Hi team ,
I would like to know by using superrack performer with waves plug-ins in live sound mixing, What will be the most important host resource need to be consider? It is mainly depend on number of CPU core? Or it is depend on memory size installed?
I am currently planning to run superrack performer with waves plug-in live sound mixing with Mac mini m4 , and it’s offer at least 10 cores with 16 gb of memory system resources. Do I need to get at least 14 cpu cores with 32 gb memory for better and stable performance ?
Seeking your expertise and advise for my further implementation .
I will mainly run those v low latency of plug-ins like q10,c6, x-fbdk , ssl channel and cla instances.
Hope to get your feedback and response soon.
Thanks and many appreciated to your kind help .
In my experience, the CPU is the main bottleneck. But you have to work pretty hard to get hardware too slow these days, so it really depends on how many channels of audio you want to process, and at what latency.
I’d also add that you’d also want to watch your latency. It can accumulate the further down the pipeline you get, so it would pay to work avoid anything with oversampling or adds high amount latency.
Thx for advices on this matter, I did used wsg card, digigrid ioc n digigrid d as interfaces with multitrack native before and it did not bring me latency problems.
Currently looking for some better nuc or macOS platform to run some superrack performer plug-ins with 48k sampler rate. Plug-ins will be pse, q10, x-fdbk ,c6 , maxbass n cla.
Bulks of products are there and this make consumers feel headache for right tools investment … lolz