Superrack performer windows host perfomance


Getting expertise to share/advise the mandatory windows os services need to enable on the pc host in order to get fast/stable performance while running waves superrack performer application and plug-ins processing.

Beside that, I would like to know the windows os services can be disable(except all waves and its relevant services) on the pc host in order to reduce un-necessary cpu core utilization and un-necessary memory utilization .

Last, is anyone using axis scope computer ? If yes can you guys sharing the windows os services status which had customized/disabled by waves audio? ( this can be check the details from start > run > services.msc).

My intention of this post is to figure out if we are able to improve/maximize cpu cores and memory performance and utilization when running waves host software like superrack performer and plug-in processing

Thx and many appreciated for knowledge sharing on this matter.
