Can anyone recommend a good video that goes into detail on practical ways of using Waves Harmony? All I have come across is videos showing all the experimental jazzy expansions and effects it can do, without explaining how to control the app to get specified results. I am looking for simple diatonic harmonies that follow the chords in the key of my piece, and WH keeps giving me notes I can’t use. Even the presets promising simple intervals generate extra add 2, or 6 and maj 7.
There has to be a way to tame this thing so it delivers conventional, mainstream harmonies. I just need to find some place where the features are precisely explained. The videos I find are 80% experimental jazz exhibitions…
Agree, hoping someone helps us out. Everything I’ve found so far is over the top harmonies. I want to create simple one voice backing tracks to help thicken up my vocals. This is not a simple plugin, too complex in my opinion.
I FINALLY can get it to do what I want! my solution was not to use the presets at all, since none gave me desired results. I had to shut off shut off that top center part that was calling up presets, except for the key and scale I was working with. I added “harmony note” circles by clicking in the completely blank “note array field”, and dialed in the desired harmonies using the manual control at the left. with some fooling around I found I could set the desired relative pitch, volume, pan, and even tone and effects that each “harmony note” I added would exhibit.
again, I could only get good results by using the manual controls on the LH side of the interface
I had to search the internet for proper side chain instructions for Logic Pro, as the Waves site does NOT have them presented in a way I can understand. the track (or live feed) you are attempting to harmonize can feed the side chain to generate the notes you are specifying (by using the process I laid out at the the beginning.) OR – you can just insert Waves Harmony as a plugin directly on the track you want to process. I like using side chain bc it lets me have separate tracks to manage the primary note and the Wave Harmony-generated notes as I see fit
I hope this helps, email me at if I can be of further assistance. (there’s also a cool way to drive the harmonies from a keyboard midi controller input which displays on the piano in the interface but that’s a WHOLE other deal to explain)