Oversampling Request

Can you guys add oversampling to the saturation and analog emulation plugins? At least 4X, preferably up to 8X oversampling. Abbey Roads Saturator, Vinyl, Aphex, MaxxBass, RennBass, and Saphira could use it.


Or just design a wrapper that can host the plugin(s) and apply oversampling to the chain of hosted plugins.


anti aliasing is a huge problem for everbody. Ive made a Brauerizing template with the busses and everything and calibrated everything to the last detail. I’ve started replacing my Waves plugins cos of this.

Yea, It’s becoming an even bigger problem because computers are getting faster and non-linear effect plugins are being used more in signal chains. So, aliasing is getting to be more of a problem when you apply Waves plugins for sculpting.


Yes and 90% of the plug-ins I need are non linear.

That is an interesting way of viewing it. That might even work depending on how their framework functions.

+1 here. I started replacing a lot of Waves plugins I actually like because alternatives from other developers offer this feature and I can clearly hear a much clearer audio signal using oversampling.
There’s less “mud” in the midrange with oversampling (there is actually a technical explanation, but I’m not so good with it).
I’d love to keep using my favorite Waves plugins and I would actually spend money to renew the versions just for this feature.
As it is now, other plugins keep giving me better results, which is why I don’t feel like investing more into Waves.


You’re so right. I’ve slowly been replacing my mastering plugins and all analog emulation plugins simply for this. I have tried a wrapper but it is really cumbersome and interferes with workflow, so I save that only for Mastering. I notice the highest impact of foldback distortion in the highs and down into the mids as well. This makes all the nonlinear effect plugins from Waves completely unusable professionally. Now, for hobbyists, this isn’t much of a problem, but for mission critical professional work it is. Sure, I can resample at a higher bitrate but managing a project at that bitrate is something we could avoid just by using other plugins and getting a more efficient workflow. Anyway, this is becoming a more critical request the more I discuss this with other professionals.

DDMF’s metsplugin is good for this. I hope waves takes this request to heart. Throw tg12345 in that thing at 4x oversampling and it’s a whole new plugin. So much smoother to the point where I can’t go back. Please waves, give the people what they want! We’re all fans here and just want your plugins to be the best they can be!


Yea, I know of that one, but I didn’t want to put names. That plugin is great and you’re right, it gives new life to plugins but it is visually cumbersome.

Also agreed. My favorite part of waves plugins is that they’re super easy to use. They are well thought out and have an amazingly intuitive workflow. Wrappers kill that workflow. I’m longing for that HD button to have the best of both worlds.

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+1 … compute power is sufficient nowadays and future looks even better in this field. I believe all analog models would benefit from this. HQ button in every plugin toolbar would be very welcome by many users.


A great and usefull thing if you want to save on CPU would be the option to have the playback in draft quality and render at oversampling x2 or x4 or x8.

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you can not oversample these plug ins… They used some sampling technology to emulate the abey road saturator… its the same bs with the audio acustica plug ins that you can not oversample for the same reason.

…or use Cakewalk by Bandlab that has that built in!!! I think it is free, was a couple of years since I used it. I use Sonar since long.

" Plug-in upsampling on bounce/freeze/export
SONAR provides another solution, which lets you specify whether a VST or DirectX plug-in effect or instrument should be resampled at 2x the project sample rate when bouncing, rendering, freezing, exporting, etc., or during playback. This allows you to gain the benefits of running at a higher sample rate in a standard 44.1KHz project. This process happens automatically and behind the scenes."

I run my old Sonar Artist from 2016 last update, and it is there too.

You can select synths or plugins to oversample(x2), and do it transparently.
No need to run full projects in 96k for this unless that is what you want. It’s more obvious on some type of audio like strings with complex harmonics.

Going into aud.ini you can set sample rate more than twice if you want, max 384000 Hz. But that is manual for each plugin.

But it would be good idea as mentioned for Waves to take on this with some hosting plugin ir natively in each plugin as selected by user.

This is a really important thread. For people who don’t know, Reaper has the ability to oversample plugins internally which is really cool. Once you set it in the plugin selector, it will default to that forever. I use most of my Waves plugins at X2 oversampling.

Important! Many Waves plugins don’t function correctly above 96khz, and that issue includes oversampling whether added in Reaper, SONAR, or the DDMF plugin: Sample Rate Support | Waves

So if you’re at 44.1/48khz and the plugin maxes at 96khz, you can’t oversample past X2.

But some Waves plugins have lowered latency at higher bit rates, and you get that with oversampling too. J37 is one, and SSL EV2 is another. At 96khz (or x2 oversampling) the latency is reduced significantly… For TG12345 it drops to 0, actually! But it varies from one to the next so check the PDC chart:

If Waves updated all their plugins to support oversampling natively – and especially an option for oversampling to enable on export only – that would be AMAZING. That would be awesome for a Waves Update Plan renewal. Totally worth it.

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Oversampling is a tricky thing to get right as it also adds latency, which is not good for tracking or live mixing. But if it were made optional, then people can decide for themselves.

It could be made possible to say, start with it off until the tracking is done, turn it on when in the production/mixing phase and deactivate it again if you discovered there’s a few last moment things you would like to add. Meanwhile live mixers could just leave it off.

It’s this kind of flexibility that we really need in the modern era of music production.

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Good point, and agreed. I am sensitive to latency and take care to use zero latency or near-zero-latency plugins during composition. (It’s one reason I love Scheps Omni Channel so much.)

SSL EV2 sounds great, but has 59 samples of PDC latency at 48khz. It has only 20 samples at 96khz, though… And if I understand correctly, 20 samples at 96khz is the equivalent of 10 samples at 48khz in terms of latency, right? I’m excited to try working at 96khz for the latency improvement, like you mentioned!

Switchable is great, and it looks like Waves is moving in that direction based on some of the Magma plugins.

Some plugins (by other manufacturers) supposedly are designed to automatically oversample during rendering but have oversampling off during composition & playback. I love the idea of that but I would want some kind of visual or report to confirm it’s actually working.

Yes please :pray:

Just adding my voice to the mix by saying that oversampling would be much welcomed.