Magma Springs - Crash

Hey there! I purchased Magma Springs, however when I try to load it onto Superrack, it loads for a few seconds, then completely crashes Supperrack. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any steps I can take to resolve this?

Hi @dave5mith,

Welcome to the Waves Forum.

Seeing that Magma Springs is brand new I am not sure you will have the required information for such issues here.
I recommend addressing issues such as crashes in an SG application to our Live Sound team who will be able to go over all of your setup, session, and other data, to verify the cause of the issue apart from solving it of course.

You can Contact Technical Support either by email,
Alternatively, you can also reach our Live Sound team at the following number: +1-865-909-9268 they are currently available and will be happy to assist.

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