Using waves in 3 computers

Hello there. I’ve used Waves in other’s people studios and now I’m thinking on buying some of them for myself.
My daily rutine as a sound designer involves 3 computers: One at the studio, one at home and one at the theater. These computers never work and the same time. I cannot skip any of this 3 machines becouse of the needs of my job.

So, I was wondering if it is easy to have a routine involving 3 computers with Waves plugins. I know that you can activate/deactivate devices from Waves Central, but I’m not sure if this step is agile enough as to integrate it in my daily workflow.
I do that with some plugins via ilok License Manager and it’s only one-click step. I got a message when I open the session and I just activate the license on the actual computer I’m working at the moment.

I’d like to hear your advices on this before making a purchase decision.
Thanks very much in advance.

Hey @grzaudio,

Welcome to the Waves Forum.

Having the licenses activated to a USB flash drive will enable you to connect the USB to the computer you wish to use your Waves plugins on and that’s about it, no requirement to deactivate activate, or even use Waves Central when switching to another computer.

Since you do not require all 3 locations to run at the same time this solution might be suitable for your use case.

Hello Adi, and thanks very much for your answer.
I understand this option but I’m afraid is not a good solution in this case. Carrying a flash drive in a daily basis is risky, since one time you forgot it, you’re done. Also being able to work in a laptop without any dongle attached is something that is very valuable, and I’ve paid good money for having internal storage and be free of external peripherals.
I understand my needs are provably not the same for most people.

Thanks again in any case for taking your time to explain this option.

If your update plans are active, then you can have second licenses installed on the laptop and carry them on USB the rest of the time.

Alternatively, you can buy them multiple times for the third (and fourth) machine. (I know people usually just complain about having to do this, but it is only an alternative - if the challenge of carrying a USB is worth more than the cost of the licenses to you, this should be an easy decision.)