Scene Crossfades for LV1

It would be really amazing to have a way to crossfade faders (and possibly other settings) between scenes. This would make complex shows with lots of scenes so much easier to navigate. I also feel like this has been a fairly standard feature on consoles for years, so it seems like it should be available on a modern system like LV1.


Wholeheartedly agree :grinning:

Every time they announce an update I always get my hopes up… and then it never happens :sob: :sob:

Hope is all we have. I cheat and midicontrol the faders from qlab. For small to medium shows it works great, but makes programming a bit harder :grinning:

Absolutely! I wanted to use Scenes for our big Christmas production but it was a no-go. Not smooth AND not immediate either. Anything would be better than what it is now. Not very usable.

Definitely need cross fades added to scenes. Even if it just fades the faders and pans respectively. +1 for this feature request

+1 will take this package to the required level.