I have recently cloned my internal hard drive (iMac late 2013 running Mojave) to an external SSD.
Everything is working fine. Logic is working fine (v10.5.1) but when I try to load any Waves plugins I get this error message: Vocal Rider does not have a license. Please check that you have a valid license, then click ‘Rescan Licenses’
When I try to open Waves Central I get this message: ‘The latest version of Waves products can only be installed on Mac OS 10.10 and higher You are using Mac OS 0.0’
Waves can only be set and used from the local HD of the computer, the licenses are actually attached to the computer network adapter Mac address so unless you changed the computer itself or replaced the Logic Board, NIC, it should not affect the licenses.
Note that cloning or any form of backup normally creates issues, you will require to reinstall your products and ensure the licenses are properly activated.
The message you mentioned " You are using Mac OS 0.0’" normally relates when using an old Waves Central version and not the latest one. Please download the latest version, once you log in it, should synchronize and refresh the licenses.