Magma Springs severe limitation

Please remove the artificial limitation with Magma Springs 3 Decay steps. The long Decay is unusable and i need more options between Short and Medium, since Medium generally is too long and Short is not long enough sometimes. The echo build-up is too much in long and medium. The short settings is extremely beautiful and a couple settings after it would serve the plugin well. Also maybe a ‘Shorter’ setting before the Short.

Soundtoys recently released a plugin called SuperPlate Wich has a feature called Auto-Decay that you may want to copy. Auto-Decay reduces the build-up in long Reverb Decays. Magma Springs is a Masterpiece, and i bought it instantly. Congradulations on such a great plugin! You’ve created something special here, don’t mess it up with a too severe limitation that has only 1 highly usable decay step!

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I thought the decay limitations were a bit of an issue too.

But then, that’s how they are. In reality you’d be lucky to have this many choices in a decay times. For that authentic sound this is what you would have to work with. As frustrating as it is.

It would have been so easy for them to put a decay controller on it. I also imagine that it would have probably been the main thing people would have complained about during the testing phase. Without knowing anything for certain my guess is this approach was a design choice for them. If you look at Waves’ other plugins you’ll also notice they tend to put authenticity before modern day features.