eMotion LV1 requests

It’s an “external insert”, but just external to LV1. For example, I could run any plugin host i want on my LV1 host computer, or an external computer, or hardware, etc. You are just making a Send and return using Soundgrid devices ports.

Simple example:
My local host machine for LV1 is named 8CORE. In LV1, I have 32 driver channels setup for 8CORE. I reserve 1&2 for local computer audio. That means 3-32 are routable for External Inserts, if I want to set them up that way.

Now, lets say I am running a DAW on my 8CORE, along with LV1. It is all local then, and nothing physical or external.

I can set up an external insert Send in LV1 to go out 8CORE ch 3 & 4 and then a return back on 8Core channels 7&8 (or whatever I want to use).

In my DAW, I just setup a channel with those inputs and outputs, and then run any plugin I want.

It’s limited to your number of Soundgrid channels.

The manual is pretty clear on how to use it.

This can get powerful when you use a second computer with lots of fast CPU power as your plugin host server. It can be a good supplement to your SG server, and let you run your favorite plugs with LV1. Latency will vary, and you just have to figure that out based on what you want to use as an external insert.

Thanks @Synetos , I think I understand. But just to be clear: I need a local ASIO sound card on 8CORE for this to work, correct ?

No ASIO soundcard needed. The Soundgrid Driver allows you to add your LV1 Host computer (in this example named 8CORE) to the IO devices panel in LV1 setup. You can setup 32-128 channels of audio. If you want to run it on another computer(s), you just run the SG ASIO driver on that machine and add it to you IO devices. I always install a dedicated network card for my SG computers into a SG support switch.

Anyway, maybe the admins could move this to a proper thread so we dont plug up the Request Features with this dialog?

LV1 Scene transition speed adjustment - at least for faders please!
This feature would be super helpful.


I’ll also echo the Scene Crossfade requests. This is my biggest holdup with the LV1 system.


Also routing fx/aux channels to groups.

  1. Post fader plug in contained within channel strip ( this would save massive clutter and increase lv1 efficiency by dumping massive routing freeing groups for other uses using less resources in a big way (emergency)):blush:
  2. Scene crossfade (critical)
  3. Parallel servers like as in the new super rack ADD ability for single server back up for ALL parallel servers.(i am pretty sure something like this is already underway)
  4. compression and gate meter on strip regardless of which plugin or its pre/post fader (see 1) position. (Serious bonus)
  5. external plug in auto latency and/or one master auto latency button for all external plug-ins to be measured Sure this can be done now using smaart, but not as efficiently. (Efficiency and precision booster shot)

Still in need of cue bus as an input to matrix for in ears !!!


A few more “theatre” work flow improvements like fade scene times and more flexibility in the way buss’s and the matrixes work.



  • More user keys (16)

  • fx sends faders, if I’m not mistaken, there is only fx return. For one-off delays for example


Gain on faders when transitioning multiple bands with no pre-setup, some groups voices blow up everything, need fast access to all gains on faders.


Clarification -
1.post fader plugin routing option contained within channel
3. ability to have parallel and redundant to parallel servers, so we can buy more servers.
4. Compression and gate meters near fader for those that never have the screen configured to show it above the fader…
5. insert plug-in ability to measure latency of signal round trip - auto set latency.
Bonus - Peak and avg signal hybrid meter


Yup. I agree. Its the biggest thing holding this console back from Theatre and some broadcast scenarios. I would like to propose again, that Waves make a separate LV1-T package with fades and more scope control to help pay for the Dev and design resources geared towards theatre and theatre like applications.


I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this or not, but a feature I would love to see is the ability to link plugin settings across multiple channels. So changing the eq on one channel would be mirrored across all the same plugins associated with the group.


(1) Wet/Dry knob added to insert plugin would be nice!
(2) Post fader plugin ability like in Harrison Mixbus for example…
(3) Still need crossfade really bad. So instead of hard muting a bunch of channels they can be turned up or down as we transition to different phases of fun!
(4) Would be nice to be able to use metafilter in LV1 (thats why i bought it and now I cant use it LOL)
(5) EMO Expansion holds etc and ALSO a super slow attack full open over a duration as long as 2-5 seconds… This is good for bringing in a video track or something and being able to trim excess input before it explodes onto the scene. Yeah I know just slowly increase fader, but then that means I always have to be paying attention… This is a redundancy, but the real reason for the request is (6)
(6) Slow expansion attack EMO for LO-AIR plug in to stabilize its signal before it is at line level… Sometimes transients or onsets of signals to be effected cause real problems for LO-AIR and SUBMARINE, and a super slow expansion opening will stabilize the resulting output of LO-AIR and/or SUBMARINE before they start farting into the subs LOL
A great de-gasser like a low frequency de-esser by use of a slow expansion.

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Or a 16 core. Currently I use harrison mixbus on the 16 core ryzen using other vst’s in conjunction with waves studio rack using another sound grid extreme server to process just the waves plugins so I can load up plugins like a maniac… There is a small amount of latency therefore, using the local lv1 for parallel compression and transient sensitive plugins all go on the local lv1, everything else, flangers, delays, reverbs, my synths, all go to the external computer which also does the multitrack recording and sound check. I added a request for a Wet/Dry knob on inserts, this will bring back the dry signal and the latency will be removed gradually, then quickly. Way better than muting the insert and adding a seperate dry signal to compensate for signal loss by removing effects.

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· bus to bus routing
· scene recall crossfade time for faders
· cascade servers / increase DSP


These are the requests still on my list.

  • Label talkback presets
  • Label Mute Groups
  • Rename user Define Key Labels
  • Scene Crossfades
  • Multiple SoundGrid Processing Servers
  • Assign FX to Groups
  • Option to have the mutes and faders on the FX busses control the input rather than the output so I don’t have to burn a monitor bus to do delay throws
  • Similar to EQ and dynamics, designate certain plugins as Effects and make that a selectable option in scene scope and recall safe
  • Allow direct midi or keyboard shortcuts to all functions that can be assigned to user define keys

So good these requests! most of these are what I have desperatly needed since the first release version of LV1!!!

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How about setting up colors for DCA LINK virtual (semi transparent) Faders to match the link they are controlled by…
ALSO I thought I found a small temporary work around for post fader plug in routing by assigning the plugin side chain to the same channel post fader output which is controlled by DCA, but it doesnt work whether remote controlled by DCA link or fader direct. It still only responds to input signal even though post fader is selected in side chain… I will have to call in about this. Maybe this work around can be fixed and give us something until the next Lv1 comes out.

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