CLA MIXHUB | Access/Select Buckets via MIDI CC

Hey Waves.
CLA Mixhub is an incredible plugin that I’ve got an instance of on all my tracks. The Bucket View has recently become even more important in my workflow. I’m trying to eliminate as much “mouse movement” hunting and pecking with the cursor as possible. Trading this in favour of using midi control surfaces. I wish that I could assign midi controls to the toggle for “Bucket View.
It would also be really helpful to be able to assign controls to each of the 8 buckets. This way I could use my Stream Deck as a midi controller and hit 1 - 8 buttons to select which bucket is in focus.
I’d also like to be able to hit a midi button to select if the bucket is looking at Input, Dynamics, EQ, or Output.
The In, GR,& Out selectors for the VUs are also not accessible through midi.

The real core of this message is that many parameters in this plugin are not assignable to midi controllers and it’s a huge missed opportunity for workflow enhancements.

On a similar note: All of the “Calibrate” buttons for the NX line of plugins are not accessible via MIDI either. It would be so much easier to assign that to a MIDI push button to recalibrate when the alignment slips than to have to dig into the inserts, pull up the plugin, and select it with the mouse.

Thanks for listening.

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Yeah I recon that would be a great idea.

Another thing I thought would be useful is to have 4 Mixhubs open set to the same bucket, but viewing a different part of the strip. What I would like to do is Option+Click the Bucket to have all views simultaneously change buckets.

Being able to do that with CC would also be advantageous.