Autotune doesn't change pitch

I am using the new free Cakewalk as a DAW. I have imported a male audio. I set up for key of C chromatic, so all notes are legal.

The first problem is that he sang and F instead of an A. In the graph view, it appears that he sang an A - not an F. No matter what I do, the original pitch persists. I have tried every function imaginable and nothing seems to affect the problem note.

The second problem is when he scooped a note, it doesn’t show up. A similar problem - nothing I do affects the original recorded note.

Hi @rwbriggs9999 and welcome to Waves Forum :slight_smile:

You are probably referring to one of Waves Tune products.
First, please specify which one is the one you have, since there are three plugins that might be relevant:

  • Waves Tune
  • Waves Tune LT
  • Waves Tune Real-Time

I am using Waves Tune mono

Hi @rwbriggs9999,

Make sure you are running with Waves Tune in the Officially Supported VST3 format.

If needed, refer to this link and follow the instructions to rescan Cakewalk by BandLab for VST 3 plug-ins.

If the issue persists, I suggest getting in touch with our Tech Support team, to investigate the exact issue and assist.


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