Waves v12 Plug-In GUI Jet black in Logic Pro X and white in Ableton Live 10

I upgraded my Sound Design Suite to v12 today and also purchased the Onekob Filter plug in. All the plug ins appear black in the GUI. In LPX I can switch to an Editor controls interface and I can see sliders which do drive the plug ins but the GUI is black and void of any graphics. I can see problems liek this occuring to users on every platform dating back more than six years but no definitive fix. Has anyone got to a good resolution short of buying a new compter/graphics card?

I am running Mac OS 10:13:6 on an Intel Graphics 3000 card. 512mb

Same!!! The problem with me is on Reaper and Ableton Live…

I just can’t open them on Reaper at all!!!

Hi Guys,

Check out this article - if you are running on an older Mac this may be because your Mac’s graphics card does not support ‘Metal’, which is required for V12 plugins and the latest version of SoundGrid Studio and StudioRack. If that is. the case, a roll back to V11 may be required

check which Mac models support Metal.

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