Waves StudioRack VST3 Instrument Support Request

greetings I love using waves studio rack, vst3 support was very important and it was great, but I think the most important thing that is missing is that the waves studio rack is not only for effects but also for instruments.

my dream is that this plugin will see vst 3 instruments so that I can combine my contact and other instruments and create layer sounds, this may be the case for now but we hope that someday in the future, waves engineers will hopefully do this someday.

this will allow us to use instruments as layers and will be a great development for sound designers thank you for your consideration

Thank you,

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Yeah, thought of this idea myself a while back. I also think it would be a great idea. It’s kind of a logical progression really.

If it’s obvious enough that would mean there is a good chance they have already thought of it. Maybe they already have something in the works?? That’d be awesome. I’m not holding my breath just yet, though.

Here’s hoping