Hi, I’m a little bit unsure about some of the Trans X parameters. I have taken a look at the manual but do not find that it sufficiently explains some of them for me. Correct me if I’m wrong but to increase the range is to increase the dynamic range of the effected track, to decrease the range would be somewhat compressing it. The duration and release are the settings that determine the time in which the gain changes up and down. The sensitivity I am unsure about - it says somewhat in the manual that it is the sensitivity to the amplitude of a sound. I’m just unsure as to why the sensitivity can go negative or positive. Is negative for a sound that is super compressed? because the sound itself has not a lot of amplitude?
Yeah you pretty much have an understanding of what it does. Though the Attack is how quickly the amplitude change, set by the Range control, takes effect. With the Release denoting how quickly that change returns to zero.
The Sensitivity is like trim control for basic threshold setting, like you would get on a compressor or an expander. Either you need it to be more sensitive or less sensitive than the default setting.
More sensitive means it will be more responsive but if it starts responding to the entirety of the signal then it is really just behaving like a glorified gain plugin and not doing what you intend it to. Not sensitive enough and it will have no affect. Somewhere in the middle is the “Goldilocks zone”, sensitive enough to effect just the transients, or most of them.