I am so thrilled with this update. I bought the 64ch upgrade before I even installed it. I am use to running LV1, so this is an easy update for me. It may just be all my excitement, but it sounds so much better. It is just like LV1 now, to my ears.
Only potential issue I found is the adapter rename issue we had with MyMon. It seems to be back. But, as soon as I deleted the adapter in control panel, rescanned for hardware changes, it popped right up and works fine now. Not sure if it is just that a fluke on my system or a rebirth of an old bug. Eitherway, the fix is easy.
Back to playing around and testing out more features. I will be interested to hear what others think.
Thank you Waves Dev Team! 
I have to say, as time went by, I rolled back to using LV1 in my studio and on my DAW. There seemed to be a noticeable latency in Soundgrid Studio V11, that I couldnt get rid of. It interfered with playing VST tracks in live. I had all the setting right, but it just wouldn’t go away. Maybe it is something with Cubase?
I realize I lose the benefit of plugin offloading to my extreme server with StudioRack, but I can accomplish something similar with External Plugins in Cubase looping out to channels on LV1/64.
I still think SGS v11 is way better than v9. Maybe after v12 upgrade, I will try it again. It could be I am just so spoiled by LV1. Either way, Waves is still my go to source for all things live and in the studio.