Soundgrid Qrec Problem


yesterday my sound grid performer and q rec stopped working on my Mac (Failed to initialize), re installed more than once, same result.

I ended up upgrading from Sonoma to sequoia, re installed everything and now the software starts correctly. Now I wanted to connect my SQ5 with Waves Card, but qrec does not show any network adapter…

any ideas?

Hey @siemes,

Welcome to the Waves Forum.

I see you are in touch over email with one of our Live Sound representatives, who has already provided you with some steps to follow in order to set everything up correctly.

Do note that our representatives can also remotely connect to your setup and help shorten the troubleshooting time if that’s convenient for you, do not hesitate to ask.

Hi I got the same problem, would you help me sending those instructions you refer to? Thank you


So, basically the problem is that apple silicon and OSX newer than Ventura seem to have problems with q-rec.

To get the apps to open again I downgraded my Mac back to Sonoma. Then I loaded a Time Machine backup, but without APPs (tried loading everything first wich resulted in the same problem).

Notice that apple silicon and OSX newer than Ventura have problems with q-rec wich result in clock issues. These, to me, seem to be worse in 96k than in 48k.
As long as this problem exists I recommend using a windows PC when using q-rec or switching to another interface. This could be a madi interface with a madi card installed to your desk.

This is the article the support was sending me via mail.

But with the described problem this article, let’s say, isn’t very helpful.

Good luck on gettin things running again!

Hello, I have the same problem. I own a Allen & Heat Avantis console with waves card. Just updated my mac to ios15 sequoia and havent been able to connect my computer to record. I used qrec in the past, but now i undesrtand that app is not suitable for the new os. Please help me connect my daw to the console. Just purchased Live trax1

Hey @sonido.mcidgo,

One of our Live Sound Agents will reach out soon over email to further assist

Did you get an answer to this? Having the same issue