I was just curious how people are incorporating the midi out feature for oxvox in Logic Pro. I saw a nice video for Protools and Ableton, demonstrating how to grab the midi out signal from oxvox placed on an audio file, have that generate midi, and then play whatever software instrument you have inserted on the instrument track.
I can’t seem to figure out a similar workflow for Logic.
I just want oxvox to transcribe the audio file it’s inserted on to midi, record that information, while real-time using it to play a plug-in synth for example.
I tried to do this as well several months ago and at that time Logic did not support MIDI out as needed for this. Not sure if it does now, but I would also like to use this functionality in OVOX
What you recommend is not how you send MIDI from ovox but rather the opposite. You do not have instructions for Logic Pro on how to do it but you have for other DAWs.
You need to insert it as a Midi Controlled Effect then send the mic audio to it via a sidechain.
Its not the most intuitive thing to do, it’s just one of Logic’s quirks. Hopefully Apple will add support fo midi data to be sent to audio tracks stage control plugins like this some time soon.