LV1 “Performer” (Native)

copied from my comment on an LV1 Native Option. Previous thread was more to do with offline editing and less to do with the option I’m proposing

A native LV1 “Performer” would be a game changing product. Especially with SuperRack’s Performer having support for 3rd party VSTs this would actually compete with platforms like DiGoCo + Fourier / Avid S6L. Being able to use AISO, Apple Core Audio devices and Macie/HUI/Eucon fader banks would mean anyone could build their own custom sound console that could run on any computer.

Plus it would be a great way for Waves to sell more plugins, subscriptions, FIT controllers, Stage Boxes, and the newly announced LiveBox.

Modern computers are more than fast enough. I just did a show with 42 racks at 32 buffer on MacBook Air M2. The Avantis I used was basically a glorified fader bank + AD/DA. If I could run a whole show off a laptop and FIT that would be incredible!

I know that third-party preamp control would be up to the user to figure out but it can be done! There are already remote apps that can control the head amps of Yamaha Rio stage boxes as well as Rupert Neve Dante PreAmps.

Building my own custom live sound console has been a dream of mine for years and it’s never been more attainable than it is now. Waves, if you do this, I will throw money at you lol

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