Include "Reset Scale" or "Bypass Tune" in Key Detector

Key Detector is great, especially for bigger projects that involve multiple instances of Waves Tune Realtime. But once i transmitted a Key from Key Detector to all instances of Waves Tune Realtime, i wish there was a quick way to bypass the correction or (at least) reset scales inside Key Detector.

Currently working on a big project which involves more than 16 instances of Waves Tune Realtime. It would be really helpful to be able to bypass or reset scales within Key Detector (for announcements, breaks) without having to individually automate all instances of Waves Tune Realtime individually.

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Or as silly as it sounds, automating a specific key change wherever it’s warranted. That way you can override its scale detection and nominate your own at any specific point in time.

Yeah,you could do that with each an everyone of your tuners, but this would simplify and speed up the process.