How to open studio rack in logic

I just downloaded studiorack to help with putting multiple effects in one chain… I see all the videos online of how to use it, but I can’t seem to find it with all the other waves plugins?? Is it somewhere else? Can anybody help? Thanks!

It should be in your collection of Audio Units and appear in the WAVES sub menu.
Make sure you have StudioRack both authorised (via WAVES Central) and checked in the Plugin Manager of Logic


Note that StudioRack can show only v9 and v10 plug-ins, while v11 cannot show up in the rack.
If you’ve installed v11 plug-ins, you can roll back to v10. The instructions are available at this link.

If the plug-ins are still not showing up in the rack, you can rescan the plug-ins in StudioRack by following the instructions at this link

Yes, but I think it has been confirmed that a V11 compatible version of StudioRack is currently in development. No idea how long that would take, though.

Correct. SoundGrid Studio and StudioRack are in development, with several updates expected this year.
We are working to ensure that the new versions are compatible with Waves V11 plugins and have new exciting features. The first release in this series of updates is scheduled for 2020.

Dude!!.. Any hint as in to what these new features are?? How about risking your job and posting some screenshots?!? :upside_down_face:


No hints I can share except for the latest OS & DAWs support and v11 compatibility.

Cheers, keep safe :slight_smile:

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How’s the schedule looking. I’m sure there would have been at lest some small delay due to the Corona??

@simon.a.billington, We are still on track for Q2 of 2020 as promised.

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