Extreme Server issue

Hey all - Can anyone tell me what a solid white light on the front of an extreme-c server indicates? The server will flash blue when powered on, but the light will turn solid white after a few minutes. The server will not show up on the network (only has 1 flashing light on the switch port). Reset and power cycle do not remedy. Any ideas?

Hey @zigropolis,

Welcome to the Waves Forum.

A white led will show up when a server is stuck in boot, or it did not boot properly OS failed to load.

Our Live Sound Team will be able to help you with troubleshooting the issue by remoting in to your setup.

Live Sound Line : +1-865-909-9268 you can also Contact Technical Support by email if it is more convenient.


Were you able to solve the issue?

Let us know how it went when you get a chance.