A Dual IIR Feature for Linear Phase EQ (post-echo!)

Hi All,
I love the Linear Phase EQ but it’s missing an important feature

As I understand, the EQ is FIR Linear Phase, where there is a Pre-Echo.
There should also to be a Dual IIR Linear Phase version of this EQ, which would have a Post-Echo (instead of Pre-Echo)

or can we please request Waves add a Dual IIR mode to the existing Linear Phase EQ which would move the Pre-Echo into a Post-Echo postion, this mean the Echo would be buried into the noise floor when the audio plays which would create a more transparent result (almost echo free).

It would be a great upgrade to the Linear Phase EQ plugin.

Please support this!

I think having several modes of operation will be a better way to go.

Personally I want a UI update. I have other linear eqs which I prefer to use because this thing is either to small and constricting or the late 90s aesthetics put me off from using it.

Yeah, may be they could re-size the GUI as well which’ll be a nice upgrade addition

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