Studioverse Instruments macro issue

Studioverse doesn’t show all plugins for automation.
i have a shaperbox in slot 3 which shows up and another in slot 11 which doesn’t show at all.
I can move the one from slot 3 around to slot 15 and its fine, but i cant get any more shaperbox’s to show up in the automation panel, so i can’t add anything more to the macro section.

If i try to add another plugin, like a reverb or whatever, it also doesn’t show up.

Is there a limit to how only the first few plugins that are automatable/assignable?

This is so you can map their controls to a Macro to be automated, right?!?

Yeah, its the macro section.
I believe it is being looked into, hopefully fixed in a future update.

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Yeah it does sound like it might be a bug to me. It sounds promising they might be already on to it. If you want to make sure that they are aware of the issue yourself you can always try contacting support directly…