New Release: MixMiror

New Version of eMotion LV1 Now Available
We’re excited to announce that the latest version of the eMotion LV1 live mixer v14.26.85.702 is now available.

This update includes several new features including the new tablet control app, MixMirror, the ability to map gain control to MyFOH app, extended gain control for FIT Controller, mix bus input fader mode, updated menus for better touch usability and various bug fixes across all applications. See the full list here.

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New App

NEW MixMirror Live App: Full Remote Plugin Control for LV1

NEW MixMirror Live App: Full Remote Plugin Control for LV1

Mirror Your Live Mixer – Control Plugins from Anywhere in the Venue

MixMirror is a zero-hassle remote application for iPads (Windows only), which mirrors and optimizes your mixer window onto your tablet device for the most practical mixing experience.

You can now walk around the venue with full console and plugin functionality – allowing you to adjust EQ moves as you tune the speakers, solve room problems remotely, or tweak FX levels from anywhere in the venue.

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MixMirror is compatible with iPad tablet devices and Windows operating systems.

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The new “Mix Buss Fader” partly disappears behind the channel label when pulled down

Also this new plugin grouping is a nightmare in my personal opinion, especially when there’s overlap between the groups. Just by looking at this there’s already two different possibilities where CLA-76, L2, Renaissance Compressor or V-Comp could be.

Hi @krabbencutter,

Thank you for sharing this information and feedback.

A Live Sound representative should reach soon over the email to further assist.


(Additional words that don’t say anything, just so I can get this post past the minimum word count) :upside_down_face:

Thank you, I’ve already opened a support ticket. To keep the conversation going I’ll copy my issues/suggestions in here as well. Maybe there’s more users with additional ideas.

I understand the motivation behind this change and agree that the previous plugin menu was in need of a rework. But in my opinion the current solution is not making things faster at all. I can already see several issues:

  1. Because there’s overlap between the plugin letters I basically have to memorize all the menus If I want to find a plugin quickly. I have to remember that CLA-2A is located in A-C but CLA-76 is in C-L. Same goes for R-Comp and R-Vox and many other plugins I regularly use.
  2. This also changes if I have a mono or a stereo channel. For example on a mono channel GTR Amp will be located under GTR > G-O but on a stereo channel it will be under GTR > A-G
  3. This also will potentially change Every! Single! Time! Waves releases a new plugin of if I buy & install additional plugins/bundles.

As an FoH I need to be able to find plugins as fast as possible and these issues with the alphabetical grouping actually make it harder and more confusing than the old system imo. I have a couple ideas how this could be improved:

  1. No overlaps, Period. If one menu is A-C the next one should start at D. Right now the submenus seem to be grouped into 16 entries at a time. But I’m not a computer and I do not care about that. I’m perfectly fine if A-C is 17 entries long, D-K has only 12 entries and L-P has 16 entries.
  2. Keep plugin families together! I want to see all my SSL EQ plugins at a glance and not have them split across multiple menus. Same goes for CLA, Renaissance, Q10 etc.
  3. Maybe add more letters? So instead of A-C it could be API-CLA (but I’m not completely sure if that would make it actually easier to navigate or just add more visual “noise”)

Also how about adding a “Favorite” category at the top of the plugin categories and give users the option to assign up to 16 favorite plugins? But to be clear: this idea should be considered separately and the issues with the new alphabetical grouping need proper fixing imo!

Hi @krabbencutter,

Thank you again for this feedback I have personally forwarded it to the relevant personal for consideration.

As per the issue you reported in your previous post concerning the LV1 fader, we are aware of the issue and are already addressing it.