Talk Back Groups

In Lv1, you can set preset groups for talk back. If you set preference keys for those talkback groups, you need to select the group, and the press “talk.” Why not make it so when you select that talkback group, it also engages the “talk” function to that group. No need for this to be 2 button presses on different areas of the screen.


Great idea. I have had the exact same thought.
However, I do think that the current function has its place, so in my opinion the best way to solve this is to expand the function key-option with “Talk Back Preset: P1 & TALK”.

Also now that we’re at it; Under Talk Back, where you see your preset buttons 1-8, it would be cool to be able to double-click the button and rename the preset-groups, e.g. CREW or BAND.