trying to put part of a guitar run into CR8 but when drag and drop it goes to the end at 13 … I need it at one (1) …
You can set your own start and end points to the audio region. Just drag the vertical white bars on the waveform display into position. You can zoom by clicking and dragging vertically on the time roller along the top.
Hey thanks for giving me some tips … I have been able to move the white bars to get my note or notes, but the issue is that it does not drop in at marker #1… but any other samples or loops I use fit right in there … even tried do a cut on one Bass note in a track and then drag and drop it into the sampler but it still goes to the end … Waves told me to trim the note closer , but that still not help .
So maybe you can’t just drag notes or sections from a track that has been recorded , maybe you have to cut it out and turn it into a loop and then drag it into the sampler … frustrating so far …
I am trying to finish a song and wanted to use a sample from the lead guitar player track and get it into the sampler then be able to play the remaining 4 notes from my Midi piano …but this just is not working out …
Thanks for replying anyway …
Yeah, I understand your frustrations man. Is the problem CR8 not sounding as soon as a note is triggered?? How about other instruments??
It would help if you can share a screenshot of CR8.